My name is Tolu, a 17 year old programmer who loves coding especially in roblox. I have been coding on roblox for 4 years with vast expierence in many fields, such as exploiting, simulators, role play, fps/tps games. I have also dealt with many dependencies such knit, and profile service. I am very keen to learn/ improve with every new project that I get to be on.
My skills
These projects demonstrate some of skills with practical examples of some of my work, including brief descriptions and links my code from some of the projects("Hazy's British Army" and "Admin Commands") and links directly to the game. They showcase my ability to tackle intricate challenges and efficiently oversee projects. Whilst your on my Github feel free to check out my other repositories!
A roblox game where you run and try and get as much point in a round as possible
What I've done so far
Hazy's British Army
Rank Simulator x
Head Smashers
Get in touch